The Société Italo-Tunisienne d'Exploitation Pétrolière (SITEP) is the leading company in the hydrocarbon exploitation sector in Tunisia. It is a symbol of the success of the Tunisian-Italian partnership. It is responsible for the exploitation of the El Borma oilfield and for the hydrocarbons in the El Borma concession. It has acted as a supporter of the national economy since its creation.
Since 26th May 2009, the SITEP committed in the HSE certification process on the basis of the ISO 14001 referential and OHSAS 18001.
The security of the human heritage and the materials and the health of the personnel .
The adequate and continuous training,...
Quality, Hygiene, Safety and the Environment (QHSE) are among the strategic orientations of SITEP.
SITEP's palm grove is a 50-hectare real oasis set in the middle of the desert. It is irrigated with water extracted from wells. It guarantees the local production of "BIO" approved Deglet Nour dates.