The Société Italo-Tunisienne d'Exploitation Pétrolière (SITEP) is the leading company in the hydrocarbon exploitation sector in Tunisia. It is a symbol of the success of the Tunisian-Italian partnership. It is responsible for the exploitation of the El Borma oilfield and for the hydrocarbons in the El Borma concession. It has acted as a supporter of the national economy since its creation.
In 2020, SITEP celebrated its 60th anniversary.
SITEP, a public limited company whose shares are owned by the State of Tunisia and Eni, was set up by mutual agreement and constitutionally established on June 10th 1960 . Effective start-up was in 1966.
The El Borma deposit, which covers an area of 792 km2, is located in the south-west of Tunisia, in the governorate of Tataouine, on the Tunisian-Algerian border. The oil produced is of excellent quality, Its density is 42° API, and branded as Zarzaitine Mélange.
The El Borma field is Tunisia's largest oilfield, with cumulative production of production of 742 million barrels by December 2023, with one of the highest recovery rates in the world at 45%, making it one of the highest in the world.