Strategic Business Approaches
- Increase in Production
- Extension of the concession.
- New investment financing framework agreement.
- Additional revenue through gas sales.
- Study of Water Injection Optimisation and Recovery Factor Improvement.
- Heavy duty work-over programs.
- Process improvement and optimisation.
- Maintenance and compliance with standards applicable to surface installations.
- Improvement in understanding the Geology and Structure of the Concession.
- Oil and Gas Drilling Programme.
- Bright Water Project.
- Exploration for Hydrocarbons explored outside the Concession.
- Business Process Improvement and Cost Reduction
- SITEP Outsourcing of activities that are not central to SITEP's business activities.
- Feasibility study for the construction of a new power station.
- Development of a digitised information system.
- Reduction of transport costs.
- Setting up of an integrated Technical Data Bank.
- Implementation of a new HR Management Strategy
- Enhancing the Company's Human Resources.
- Knowledge transfer from former personnel to younger ones ( inservice training, mentoring, tutoring).
- Skills Development with the aim to create the optimal conditions to achieve the Company's strategy through:
- Performance Improvement.
- The ongoing development of servicing activities.
- Mastery of the available technologies and those to be acquired.
- Future plans ( changes occurring in the sector, technologies and professions).
- Establishment of an integrated HR management system based on expertise as the pillar on which recruitment, training, performance assessment, remuneration and career development policies are articulated.
- Commitment to actions in the framework of corporate social responsibility
- Implementation of an integrated Quality, Health, Safety and Environment QHSE Management System.
- Improvement of working and accommodation conditions: construction of an administrative complex and an accommodation camp.
- Strengthening the partnership policy in order to carry out activities to stimulate the development and the population growth throughout the region.