SITEP is fully aware of the importance of the environmental and natural resources, and with a view to implementing a sustainable approach. Over the last ten years or so, SITEP has opted to set up environmental projects aimed at meeting current regulations and ensuring proper management of environmental aspects.
SITEP's Environmental Strategy is centred on directives that make it feasible to to ensure the development and the sustainability of its activities while reducing the environmental impact the environment and promoting a sustainable approach.
In this context, the SITEP set up a waste management system for the products generated by its activities, the management of drilling muds and cuttings, the collection and treatment of contaminated soils, the reduction of hydrocarbon levels in production water through the installation and commissioning of floating skimmers and settling basins. A measurement campaign of atmospheric emission at the source has been carried out.
With the aim of remedying the existing environmental impacts and depollution of the El Borma site, SITEP has undertaken the following studies and activities:
The Palm Grove
As part of its regional influence and as a corporate citizen respecting environmental values of sustainable development and social, SITEP has undertaken since the early 80s, a pilot agricultural project of date palms covering 50 hectares, a real oasis in the middle of the desert. This is the first project of its kind in southern Tunisia, and a good example of how much attention the SITEP has given to sustainable development initiatives from the very outset.
In 2010, the project obtained Bio certification for its local production of Deglet Nour dates which reaches 50 tonnes per year.