1960 : |
Founding Agreement signed between the State of Tunisia and Agip Mineraria |
1961 : |
Creation of SITEP. It has been granted an exploration licence , known as the El Borma licence, covering an area of 1,708 km2 |
1964 : |
Oil discovery: EB 1 well |
1966 : |
Entry into production of the oil field |
1968: |
Granting of a 50-year concession for El Borma to SITEP until 2018 |
1975 : |
Water Injection Enhanced Recovery Project |
1978 : |
Activated by submergible electrical pumps |
1989 : |
Gas-lift activation |
1994 : |
Introduction to Directional Drilling techniques |
1998 / 2000 : |
EOR: Water and Gas Injection Pilot Project (WAG) |
2005 : |
3D seismic project covering 482 km2 (north-east of the Concession) |
2008 : |
Discovery of the EB 405 Well Structure |
2009 : |
Discovery of the oil structure EB 406 and the (Ordovician) gas structure EB407 |
2010 : |
Extension of the validity of the 'El Borma' concession by 25 years to 2043 |
2011 : |
3D seismic project of 792 Km2 (South East of the concession) |
2012 : |
Discovery of the EB 409 Well Structure |
2013 : |
EOR: Bright Water Injection Pilot Project |
2016 : |
Sedimentological study of the Alpha level (Georex) |
2017 : |
Stopping Gas-Lift Activation |
2018 / 2019 : |
Drilling and Sidetracking of Well EB-NE2 |
2019 : |
Produced water reinjection pilot project (EB-101) ( long-term duration of 6 months) |
2019 / 2020 : |
Water Injection Optimisation Study (HQ ENI) |
2020 / 2021: |
Exploration outside the El Borma Concession: access to the data room of a block in South block in southern Tunisia Elaboration of a Conceptual Geological Model Trias A & B of the large Champs El-Borma |
2022 / 2023: |
Seismic merging and reprocessing of El-Borma cubes (SITEP) Laarich-Debbech (SODEPS) |
2023 / 2024: |
Interpretation of the new seismic cube |